Save Money & Time by Reducing Manual Tasks
TrustCare Health, a 58-provider practice, saved 389 hours per month on manual operations after adopting Rivia Health.
Get Paid Faster
Bills are paid via Rivia Health within 12 days on average. Rivia Health reduced days in AR by 86%.
Work-down old AR without a Collection Agency
Rivia Health collected a bill 438 days old in just 30 days after receiving the bill.
Reduce Cost to Collect
Reduce Bills Sent
to Collections
Rivia Health reduces the number of bills sent to collections by 1/3 or more.
Lower Bad Debt
Rivia Health reduces bad debt by 38% for current customers.
Improve the Patient
Frictionless, empathy-driven payment experience.
Rivia Health lowers the cost to collect by 25-50%.
Is Rivia Health Right for Your Team?
Unlimited Test & Email messaging
No-Portal, App, or Password required
Desktop, Mobile & Phone Call supported payments
ApplePay available
Self-service, advanced payment plans
Customized messaging and workflows
Continues after day 90 and beyond
Works new and old balances
Fully automated
Department Level White Labeling
Patient Friendly - Not a collections agency
Customer Success Support for you
User Support for patients
Monthly success reporting and optimization
No paper-statements or auto-dial phone calls
Works alongside existing EMR and RCM process
No hidden fees or implementation fees
Easy implementation process
Satisfied patients give the Rivia Health payment platform 5-star reviews, saying that it’s “the best way to pay medical bills” and “the only way I’m ever paying medical bills again!”